Legislature(2005 - 2006)CAPITOL 106


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* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
Heard & Held
Moved Out of Committee
Moved CSSSHB 20(EDU) Out of Committee
Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled
HB 151-RESPONSIBILITY FOR CARE AFTER EYE SURGERY                                                                              
3:09:30 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR WILSON announced that the  first order of business would be                                                               
HOUSE BILL  NO. 151 "An  Act relating to  provider responsibility                                                               
for  ocular postoperative  care; and  providing for  an effective                                                               
3:10:10 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  ANDERSON,  speaking as  the  sponsor  of HB  151,                                                               
explained that he wants HB 151  to work for both optometrists and                                                               
ophthalmologists, although at  this point he said  he agrees with                                                               
the ophthalmologists.                                                                                                           
3:11:29 PM                                                                                                                    
JOHN  BITTNER, Staff  to  Representative  Anderson, Alaska  State                                                               
Legislature, relayed that HB 151  outlines rules and restrictions                                                               
regarding the  delegation of postoperative  care for  eye surgery                                                               
patients.  Section 1 places limits  on how and when a surgeon who                                                               
performs  eye surgery  in the  state may  delegate responsibility                                                               
for  postoperative care  of  the  patient to  someone  else.   He                                                               
explained  that some  of the  restrictions  include defining  the                                                               
provisions  of the  comanagement  agreement,  mandating that  the                                                               
surgeon  who   performs  the   surgery  must   remain  physically                                                               
available  to  the  patient  for  120  hours,  and  allowing  the                                                               
ophthalmologist to delegate the  responsibility for after care if                                                               
they arrange for another ophthalmologist  to care for the patient                                                               
for those 120 hours.   Furthermore, the restrictions also outline                                                               
when  a  comanagement agreement  for  postoperative  care may  be                                                               
entered into,  maintains that  any fees incurred  as a  result of                                                               
the  agreement  must  reflect fair  market  value,  and  includes                                                               
provisions for  the disclosure of  the comanagement  agreement to                                                               
the patient.                                                                                                                    
MR.  BITTNER relayed  that Sections  2-3 require  compliance with                                                               
Section  1,  thus,  maintaining   consistency  in  the  statutes.                                                               
Section 4  specifies the  definition of  "knowingly," which  is a                                                               
term  used in  Sections 1  and 3.   Sections  5 and  7 amend  the                                                               
uncodified law of  the State of Alaska to add  an effective date,                                                               
which  allows  the  Alaska State  Medical  Board  (State  Medical                                                               
Board) to  begin the regulations  process before the rest  of the                                                               
bill takes effect.  Section  6 amends the uncodified law allowing                                                               
the  application  of the  amendments  made  by  the bill  to  eye                                                               
surgery occurring on  or after the effective date  of Sections 1-                                                               
4.   Mr.  Bittner  clarified that  the  intent of  HB  151 is  to                                                               
provide standards  of care regarding comanagement  agreements for                                                               
postoperative care  of eye surgery  patients.  He added  that the                                                               
sponsor  feels that  there is  a  minimum standard  of care  each                                                               
Alaskan should expect  after receiving eye surgery,  which HB 151                                                               
ensures.  He  specified that this bill in no  way reflects poorly                                                               
on  the comanagement  system.   The  sponsor is  not against  the                                                               
collaboration of ophthalmologists and  optometrists when it is in                                                               
the best  interest of the  patient.  The bill  merely establishes                                                               
limits to  the comanagement system  to ensure that  the patient's                                                               
needs come first.                                                                                                               
3:13:54 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE SEATON asked if the  State Medical Board currently                                                               
has the ability to regulate postoperative care.                                                                                 
REPRESENTATIVE ANDERSON deferred to the ophthalmologists.                                                                       
3:15:13 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  GARDNER   asked  if  there  are   other  surgical                                                               
procedures for which  the state mandates that  the surgeon remain                                                               
available for a specified amount of time.                                                                                       
MR. BITTNER replied that he was  not aware of any, but he offered                                                               
to research that and provide an answer.                                                                                         
3:16:04 PM                                                                                                                    
CARL ROSEN, M.D., President, Alaska  Academy of Ophthalmology, in                                                               
response  to  Representative  Seaton's question,  said  that  the                                                               
State   Medical   Board   has  the   jurisdiction   to   regulate                                                               
postoperative  care, although  the issue  has yet  to arise.   In                                                               
response  to  Representative Gardner,  Dr.  Rosen  said that  the                                                               
"lion's share"  of comanagement occurs between  ophthalmology and                                                               
DR.  ROSEN,  after  relating  his  background  in  ophthalmology,                                                               
related that the  Alaska Academy of Ophthalmology  favors HB 151,                                                               
in order  to protect patients and  to avoid the abuses  that have                                                               
arisen  from comanagement.   Comanagement  originally began  with                                                               
good  intentions,  although  it  has become  distorted  based  on                                                               
financial incentives,  he said.   He asked the committee  to join                                                               
together to  raise the standard  of medical care for  Alaskans by                                                               
keeping the "bar  high or elevated."  He related  his belief that                                                               
ophthalmologists,  despite  that  optometrists would  have  folks                                                               
believe  that ophthalmologists  are  nothing  more than  surgical                                                               
technicians who are only capable  of wielding a scalpel or laser,                                                               
represent the best the American medical  system has to offer.  He                                                               
     There  will   be  rare   times  when   comanagement  is                                                                    
     necessary  and  legitimate:   in  rural  areas with  no                                                                    
     other  ophthalmologist or  surgeon  available, or  when                                                                    
     the  surgeon has  no other  choice but  [has] to  leave                                                                    
     shortly after an operation.   However, we are asking to                                                                    
     shut the door  on the routine use  of this arrangement,                                                                    
     which   unfortunately  occurs   here   in  our   state.                                                                    
     Patients  simply  do  not   understand  what  they  are                                                                    
     getting into until it is too late.                                                                                         
DR.  ROSEN then  provided an  example of  a comanagement  case in                                                               
which a  patient, who was  operated on by an  ophthalmologist who                                                               
routinely has  an optometrist follow postoperative  care, came to                                                               
the  emergency room  for a  corneal surgical  complication.   The                                                               
optometrist,  as is  typical,  was nowhere  to  be found  because                                                               
optometrists  have never  taken call  for hospitals  or emergency                                                               
rooms at Providence Hospital or  Alaska Regional Hospital.  Since                                                               
the emergency room  physician isn't going to track  down or refer                                                               
to  an optometrist  for liability  issues, an  ophthalmologist is                                                               
contacted   and  [the   aforementioned   patient]  becomes   that                                                               
ophthalmologist's responsibility.                                                                                               
DR. ROSEN continued:                                                                                                            
     In  summary,  comanagement  can  be  a  legitimate  and                                                                    
     useful  tool for  patients in  rare circumstances,  but                                                                    
     should  never be  employed on  a routine  basis whereby                                                                    
     the optometrist  expects to be  paid for  every patient                                                                    
     [who]  gets referred  to a  particular ophthalmologist;                                                                    
     this  was  never  the  intent  of  the  Office  of  the                                                                    
     Inspector General or  Medicare.  ....   Please, join us                                                                    
     in  closing this  loophole that  will  ensure that  our                                                                    
     constituents  and  our   patients  retain  the  highest                                                                    
     quality of medical care available.                                                                                         
3:20:38 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  GARDNER  posed a  situation  in  which a  patient                                                               
needs  emergency  services  from   another  surgeon  because  the                                                               
original surgeon is unavailable.   She asked whether the services                                                               
rendered would be billed separately.                                                                                            
DR. ROSEN  said that  may be  true, however, it  can be  a battle                                                               
with   the   insurance  company.      In   further  response   to                                                               
Representative  Gardner, Dr.  Rosen explained  that although  the                                                               
insurance company may  be responsible for the  payment in certain                                                               
instances, it's  more complicated if  the surgery is  an elective                                                               
procedure paid via cash.                                                                                                        
3:22:08 PM                                                                                                                    
CYNTHIA BRADFORD,  Secretary of  State Affairs,  American Academy                                                               
of Ophthalmology,  speaking on behalf the  body's 27,000 members,                                                               
related that  HB 151 addresses  a problem unique to  surgical eye                                                               
care, which  is an issue  that affects  other states.   She added                                                               
that ocular  care and  surgery is  one of  the few  situations in                                                               
which  non-physicians are  inappropriately  [allowed to  provide]                                                               
postoperative care  on a  sometimes-routine basis.   Comanagement                                                               
was intended  for special situations  only, although it  has been                                                               
abused for financial  reasons.  She characterized HB  151 as good                                                               
health policy, which she supports.                                                                                              
3:24:21 PM                                                                                                                    
BOYD WALKER, Optometrist, noted his  opposition to HB 151 because                                                               
he feels  it's not in  the public's  best interest.   He related,                                                               
"Representative   Anderson  has   been   given  some   misleading                                                               
information,  which   unfortunately  he  is  providing   to  [the                                                               
committee] as  factual."  He  relayed that testimony  has alluded                                                               
to  "cataract  mills,"  where   optometrists  refer  patients  to                                                               
surgeons for  comanagement fees.   He said  that he  could assure                                                               
the  committee unequivocally  that  such  an arrangement  doesn't                                                               
exist in Alaska.  Furthermore,  such a situation is unethical for                                                               
both the surgeon and the referring optometrist.  He said:                                                                       
     There does exist in Anchorage  a surgical center, which                                                                    
     is the  thinly veiled subject  of this bill.   And this                                                                    
     center  has   established  a  reputation   for  quality                                                                    
     patient care and surgery, and  many optometrists in the                                                                    
     state refer  to this  clinic -  not for  a comanagement                                                                    
     fee as purported  by the supporters of this  bill - but                                                                    
     rather  because optometrists  know that  their patients                                                                    
     will be given the best  quality care available.  And by                                                                    
     far,  the most  outrageous assertion  in Representative                                                                    
     Anderson's  statement  is  that  optometrists  are  not                                                                    
     qualified  by  training  or experience  to  handle  any                                                                    
     serious complications resulting  from cataract surgery.                                                                    
     I  have  been comanaging  patients  in  this state  for                                                                    
     close  to 20  years  and many  of  these patients  were                                                                    
     comanaged  with surgeons  who  apparently support  this                                                                    
     bill,  including  Dr.  Rosen, whom  I  highly  respect.                                                                    
     They  apparently had  no concerns  about my  ability to                                                                    
     either  manage  or identify  the  need  to return  that                                                                    
     patient  to  them  for   surgical  intervention  for  a                                                                    
     postoperative  complication.    Comanagement  has  been                                                                    
     effectively regulated  in Alaska and all  other states,                                                                    
     for decades, by the  guidelines established by the U.S.                                                                    
     Department  of Health  and Human  Services.   Dr. Rosen                                                                    
     states  that  this  legislation would  have  no  fiscal                                                                    
     impact  to  consumers or  to  health  care cost,  where                                                                    
     obviously   the   cost   of   the   patient   will   be                                                                    
     significantly greater  if the patient has  to travel to                                                                    
     receive  postoperative care  [from] a  surgeon that  he                                                                    
     could've  received locally  from  an  optometrist.   In                                                                    
     summary, this  bill in no  way improves the  quality or                                                                    
     safety of  eye care  for surgical  eye patients  in the                                                                    
     state  of  Alaska.   In  fact,  this  bill is  an  ill-                                                                    
     conceived attempt to limit  competition and the freedom                                                                    
     of  choice  of  patients  seeking eye  surgery  in  our                                                                    
     The proponents  of this bill  have attempted  to demean                                                                    
     the  optometric management  of post  surgical patients,                                                                    
     citing  that  optometrists  are  non-medical.    Alaska                                                                    
     state   law   does    entitle   properly   credentialed                                                                    
     optometrists to  diagnose and treat  ocular conditions,                                                                    
     despite   Dr.   Rosen's    claim   to   the   contrary.                                                                    
     Practically  all  post  surgical patients  will  return                                                                    
     home one-day postoperatively and  home in Alaska may be                                                                    
     a long  distance from the  surgeon.  So, being  able to                                                                    
     access a local optometrist  for diagnoses and treatment                                                                    
     of post  surgical complications,  in many  cases, saves                                                                    
     the patient expensive  and possibly unnecessary travel.                                                                    
     Due  to the  diverse  geography of  our  state and  the                                                                    
     location  of  eye  surgeons in  the  larger  population                                                                    
     centers, optometrists  who are located in  remote areas                                                                    
     of  our  state  are  very important  in  assuring  that                                                                    
     patients have direct  access to care.   This bill would                                                                    
     restrict that  access.   In my opinion,  it would  be a                                                                    
     great disservice  to Alaska residents.   Please  do not                                                                    
     approve this unnecessary legislation.                                                                                      
3:28:19 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR  WILSON  asked for  an  approximate  time range  for  which                                                               
surgeons  should be  available  for postoperative  care to  avoid                                                               
DR. WALKER  replied that surgeons  are capable of  that judgment.                                                               
He said  that much of  this legislation  seems to imply  that the                                                               
optometrist is dictating to the  surgeon when the patient will be                                                               
returned to  the optometrist.   Although the surgeon  should have                                                               
every right to  determine how long the patient is  kept under the                                                               
surgeon's control, a  law allocating the amount  of time surgeons                                                               
have  to  keep   their  patients  "doesn't  appear   to  be  good                                                               
medicine," he opined.   In further response to  Chair Wilson, Dr.                                                               
Walker  said he  was not  advocating a  specified amount  of time                                                               
because that's  not the optometrist's  job rather the  surgeon is                                                               
responsible  for the  patient.   Furthermore, the  surgeon should                                                               
have  confidence  in  the   optometrist,  otherwise  the  surgeon                                                               
shouldn't  participate  in  a  comanagement  situation  with  the                                                               
3:29:57 PM                                                                                                                    
MICHAEL   BENNETT,   President,  Alaska   Optometric   Physicians                                                               
Association, spoke in opposition to HB  151.  He related that the                                                               
practice  of   having  optometrists  and   ophthalmologists  work                                                               
together to  care for surgical  patients is what  comanagement is                                                               
about.   He  offered that  comanagement is  not exclusive  to eye                                                               
care,  for  instance after  oral  surgery  a patient  returns  to                                                               
his/her  dentist  for  follow-up   care.    He  highlighted  that                                                               
optometrists outnumber  ophthalmologists in Alaska about  5:1 and                                                               
are accessible  in most locals  whereas ophthalmology isn't.   He                                                               
explained  that optometrists  diagnose the  majority of  surgical                                                               
conditions, refer  patients to  the appropriate  specialists, and                                                               
prepare the  patient for the  necessary procedures.   Since 1980,                                                               
comanagement procedures  have been codified by  Medicare and have                                                               
been  ruled on  more  than  once by  the  federal  Office of  the                                                               
Inspector General.  In 1999,  the Office of the Inspector General                                                               
issued the following  guidelines for comanagement:  it  is not to                                                               
be  a  foregone  conclusion  that the  surgeon  will  return  the                                                               
patient for follow-up care to  the referring practitioner, but it                                                               
should be addressed on a  case-by-case basis; the services should                                                               
be medically necessary  to the patient; the  referral back should                                                               
be  a clinically  appropriate amount  of  time as  judged by  the                                                               
surgeon; and  the services performed should  be commensurate with                                                               
the amount of fees split.   Postoperative care does not result in                                                               
an  additional  fee to  the  patient  because  a portion  of  the                                                               
surgical fee is  designated for the postoperative  care, which is                                                               
divided by  90 days and split  by the amount of  days the patient                                                               
is  under  the surgeon's  care  versus  the other  practitioner's                                                               
care,  he related.   In  response  to Chair  Wilson, Dr.  Bennett                                                               
explained  that when  the  surgeon bills  for  the procedures,  a                                                               
modifying  code at  the  end of  the procedure  code  is used  to                                                               
indicate that the  postoperative services will be split.   If the                                                               
optometrist bills for that postoperative  care, he/she would also                                                               
use  a postoperative  modifying  code.   In  further response  to                                                               
Chair  Wilson, Dr.  Bennett answered  that he  sees postoperative                                                               
patients almost  daily.   He related that  many people  choose to                                                               
leave  Juneau  to have  medical  care  so he  accommodates  those                                                               
patients  when they  return from  surgery.   Dr. Bennett  further                                                               
related that most  of [his] follow-up is for patients  who opt to                                                               
have  surgery  in  Seattle  or Anchorage  because  there  are  no                                                               
surgeons who come into Juneau and leave.                                                                                        
3:35:57 PM                                                                                                                    
DR.  BENNETT, in  response to  Representative Gardner,  explained                                                               
that  if a  patient  opts to  receive surgery  out  of town,  the                                                               
amount  of  time  between  the patient  returning  home  and  the                                                               
surgery  depends on  the  medical procedure.    For instance,  he                                                               
related that  he works  with a  glaucoma specialist,  in Seattle,                                                               
who occasionally  performs cataract  surgery and  allows patients                                                               
to return  to Juneau  one day  after the  procedure and  thus the                                                               
[optometrist with the comanagement  agreement] would be in charge                                                               
of  that patient's  care.   However, there  are certain  types of                                                               
glaucoma surgeries  that are more  complicated and  often require                                                               
adjustments  and  interventions  by  the surgeon,  and  thus  the                                                               
surgeon  will require  those patients  to stay  in Seattle  for a                                                               
longer  duration of  time.    The notion  that  one timeframe  is                                                               
appropriate for all  eye surgeries doesn't work, he  opined.  The                                                               
timeframe  should be  left to  the surgeon  and isn't  a judgment                                                               
that optometrists, to  his knowledge, are trying to  make for the                                                               
surgeons.   He highlighted  that the  surgeon is  responsible for                                                               
the  patient's 90-day  postoperative  period,  and therefore  the                                                               
ophthalmologist  needs to  be available  to the  patient or  vice                                                               
versa  if  an  issue  arises  within  that  90-day  postoperative                                                               
period.   The  surgeons and  optometrists must  work together  to                                                               
provide  the  highest quality  outcomes  for  their patients,  he                                                               
DR.  BENNETT opined  that postoperative  optometric  care is  not                                                               
only  convenient  and  efficient  for patients  living  in  urban                                                               
areas, but it's  imperative for those living in rural  areas.  He                                                               
alluded  to  the  idea  that  the legislation  would  make  it  a                                                               
misdemeanor  for optometrists  to  treat people  five days  after                                                               
surgery.   He reiterated that  comanagement has  been effectively                                                               
federally regulated  and the  guidelines are  "spelled out."   If                                                               
the policy is  abused, it should be addressed  by the appropriate                                                               
State  Medical Board.    No  other state  has  expanded upon  the                                                               
federal  regulations  regarding  eye  surgical  comanagement,  he                                                               
added.  Therefore, this legislation  would limit the normal scope                                                               
of the optometrist's  practice.  He noted that  many studies have                                                               
been conducted on  comanaged ocular surgery and  no difference in                                                               
the  quality of  outcomes  has been  shown between  postoperative                                                               
care  provided  by  optometrists  versus  the  original  surgeon.                                                               
[This  legislation], he  opined,  will certainly  make this  care                                                               
more difficult to  access and more expensive in  regard to travel                                                               
that may  be required  of patients.   In conclusion,  Dr. Bennett                                                               
expressed the hope that the committee  would agree that HB 151 is                                                               
anticompetitive,  unnecessary, and  not in  the best  interest of                                                               
3:42:19 PM                                                                                                                    
DR. BENNETT,  in response to Representative  Seaton, relayed that                                                               
the legislation  would negatively  impact patients in  Juneau who                                                               
leave town  for surgery  because they would  either be  forced to                                                               
stay  in the  community where  the  surgery was  performed or  to                                                               
return to Juneau  and place the optometrist in  an "awkward legal                                                               
position  for rendering  care."   He commented  that he  does not                                                               
know  how   this  legislation   would  affect   the  comanagement                                                               
relationships  with  those  patients  receiving  surgery  out  of                                                               
REPRESENTATIVE  SEATON said  Dr. Bennett's  question needs  to be                                                               
answered at some point.                                                                                                         
3:43:59 PM                                                                                                                    
MICHAEL COULTER,  Ophthalmologist, Alaska Lasik Center,  began by                                                               
saying that he  was in favor of  HB 151.  He  noted his agreement                                                               
with earlier  testimony regarding the fact  that comanagement has                                                               
existed  for   a  long  time   as  a  result   of  ophthalmologic                                                               
requirements  in certain  communities and  is successful  in many                                                               
venues.    However, he  also  noted  his agreement  with  earlier                                                               
testimony that  comanagement has  the potential for  abuse, which                                                               
"reek  of  collusion when  referrals  are  made for  monetary  or                                                               
revenue stream considerations."   He opined that this legislation                                                               
is an  "inter-ophthalmologic effort to set  certain standards for                                                               
all  surgeons practicing  in the  state of  Alaska."   Currently,                                                               
there  are six  surgeons whom  share call  duties for  Providence                                                               
Alaska Medical  Center and Anchorage  Regional Hospital  and they                                                               
receive complex referrals from all over the state.  He said:                                                                    
     We  feel that  if the  standard of  care would  require                                                                    
     that all surgeons  that would like to be a  part of the                                                                    
     community and on  staff at the hospitals  also share in                                                                    
     that call, and certainly that  if we are unable to take                                                                    
     call or  unable to see our  own postoperative patients,                                                                    
     that we are  able to release our patient to  a peer who                                                                    
     is also  an ophthalmologist, board certified,  and able                                                                    
     to do surgery.  It's  our feeling that, as the surgeon,                                                                    
     the  surgeon himself  or herself  is  best prepared  to                                                                    
     identify  potential  complications   in  the  immediate                                                                    
     postoperative  period ....   I  do not  agree ...  that                                                                    
     this would somehow limit  [an optometrist's] ability to                                                                    
     care  for patients,  especially here  in Juneau;  there                                                                    
     are two  ophthalmologists here who are  board certified                                                                    
     and work currently  in the community ....   The fact is                                                                    
     that nothing in the  bill would restrict an optometrist                                                                    
     from  seeing their  patients, especially  in situations                                                                    
     where it  is a hardship,  as deemed by the  patient, to                                                                    
     be able  to see the  original surgeon; so  there should                                                                    
     be no  restriction in  the flow  of patient  from their                                                                    
     surgeon to  the optometrist.   They're not  barred, for                                                                    
     example,   from   providing   care   to   the   patient                                                                    
     postoperatively  during  the  first  five  days.    Our                                                                    
     requirement  simply is  that surgeons,  that are  doing                                                                    
     ...  surgery,  remain  available or  can  transfer  the                                                                    
     responsibility  for   postoperative  care   to  another                                                                    
     surgeon.    And  unfortunately,  in  the  community  of                                                                    
     Anchorage there  are situations in which  some surgeons                                                                    
     are   operating,  leaving   immediately,  leaving   all                                                                    
     postoperative   care,  in   the  first   moments  after                                                                    
     surgery, to  non-medically licensed  professionals that                                                                    
     with all  their skill and  training - in our  opinion -                                                                    
     are    less    capable   of    identifying    potential                                                                    
     complications  in   a  manner  that  the   surgeon  who                                                                    
     performed the procedure would be.                                                                                          
DR.  COULTER  offered that  data  from  the American  Academy  of                                                               
Ophthalmology states  that the surgeon who  provided the original                                                               
care  is in  the best  position to  identify early  postoperative                                                               
complications.  During the first  120 hours after surgery is when                                                               
most complications occur, and he  suggested that 48 hours is when                                                               
most  "catastrophic complications  might occur."   Therefore,  he                                                               
related his  belief that surgeons  should be held to  the ethical                                                               
standard by which  the surgeon is available for  the first couple                                                               
of days of postoperative care.                                                                                                  
DR.  COULTER recalled  testimony from  optometrists stating  that                                                               
the ophthalmologist  should be allowed to  determine, rather than                                                               
be  legislated, when  a patient  can be  released.   Although Dr.                                                               
Coulter agreed  with the aforementioned, the  American Academy of                                                               
Ophthalmology has  made it clear that  ophthalmologists should be                                                               
available  for  at  least five  days  postoperative;  the  burden                                                               
should not  be left to  ophthalmologists who have  no association                                                               
with the patient.  Malpractice  insurers require that the surgeon                                                               
remain available to the patient  or that the obligation be passed                                                               
on to  another surgeon of equal  competence for a period  of days                                                               
after surgery.  He said comanagement  is "good" and the bill does                                                               
not limit  access to  optometric care,  especially for  those who                                                               
have limited access  to ophthalmologists in their  community.  He                                                               
     The   mandates   through   the  American   Academy   of                                                                    
     Ophthalmology and the American  Society of Cataract and                                                                    
     Refractive  Surgeons have  put through  a joint  policy                                                                    
     that are  essentially recommendations, but there  is no                                                                    
     ability to enforce those  recommendations.  And Alaska,                                                                    
     being fairly far away from  the Lower 48, is often seen                                                                    
     ... as  perhaps a place  that in  the past has  not met                                                                    
     standards of care ....   I would suggest that Anchorage                                                                    
     and the  larger communities of  Alaska have met  and do                                                                    
     meet   the   standards   of  medical   care   and   all                                                                    
     ophthalmologic  specialties.    We do  not  necessarily                                                                    
     need  to  rely  on   outside  professionals  to  render                                                                    
     appropriate  or standard  of  care medical  procedures.                                                                    
     And if those  individuals wish to come  and practice in                                                                    
     the state,  that's fine as  long as they're  willing to                                                                    
     be  here and  take their  share  of call  and take  the                                                                    
     burden  of community  care  upon  their shoulders  ....                                                                    
     So, for those reasons I support  HB 151; I see it as an                                                                    
     advantage  to  the patients  of  Alaska.   I  think  it                                                                    
     ensures that  a surgeon  is available  for them  for 48                                                                    
     hours and  I'd urge your consideration  for a favorable                                                                    
     vote on it.                                                                                                                
3:52:23 PM                                                                                                                    
DR.  COULTER, in  response to  Representative Gardner,  said that                                                               
the  American Academy  of  Ophthalmology is  not  an entity  that                                                               
enforces  its policies.   In  further response  to Representative                                                               
Gardner, Dr.  Coulter estimated that  in excess of 90  percent of                                                               
board-certified  ophthalmologists  are  members of  the  American                                                               
Academy of Ophthalmology.                                                                                                       
3:53:12 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  GARDNER asked  whether the  surgeons who  come to                                                               
Anchorage and  have the comanagement  practices that  Dr. Coulter                                                               
finds "objectionable" are members of the aforementioned body.                                                                   
DR.  COULTER answered  he  does  not know,  but  added that  most                                                               
surgeons  abide by  the recommendations  from the  aforementioned                                                               
body.  He opined that HB 151  is about ensuring a standard is met                                                               
in  a  community that  perhaps  used  to benefit  from  traveling                                                               
surgeons.  Dr. Coulter indicated that  HB 151 is about the entire                                                               
medical  profession, and  therefore he  didn't see  how it  would                                                               
impact optometrists in their comanagement relationships.                                                                        
3:54:11 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  SEATON  asked if  an  Anchorage  surgeon were  to                                                               
receive  a referral  from  an optometrist  in  Juneau, under  the                                                               
[proposed] provisions,  would the surgeon  only be able  to refer                                                               
the patient back to an ophthalmologist.                                                                                         
DR. COULTER  replied "no," the  surgeon would need  to personally                                                               
be available to  the patient for 48 hours.   A patient can choose                                                               
whether  to return  to Juneau  to be  seen by  the patient's  own                                                               
optometrist, which  "is fine."  He  added that the spirit  of the                                                               
reformation  is that  the  surgeon should  be  available to  that                                                               
patient  to  take  responsibility  for  the  postoperative  care,                                                               
although he noted  that an ophthalmologist can't  force a patient                                                               
to see him/her  for postoperative care.  Dr.  Coulter related his                                                               
understanding  that under  HB 151  there  should be  no limit  to                                                               
optometric postoperative care.                                                                                                  
3:56:02 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  SEATON  surmised  then that  an  optometrist  can                                                               
provide postoperative care  for free or for  other fees, although                                                               
it must be unrelated to the comanagement agreement.                                                                             
DR. COULTER said  the optometrist can charge  what he/she desires                                                               
for the  postoperative care.   He  related that  when one  of his                                                               
patients return  to his/her community  from which  it's difficult                                                               
to  get in  touch with  him,  he makes  a copy  of the  patient's                                                               
medical records  and instructs the  patient that  "always without                                                               
compromise [the  surgeon] see  them at least  24 hours  after the                                                               
procedure."   However,  when the  patient lives  in a  rural area                                                               
it's easier to see an optometrist,  he noted.  He reiterated that                                                               
the point  is that  if a  patient should  change his/her  mind or                                                               
have complications,  the surgeon should be  available during that                                                               
postoperative period.                                                                                                           
3:57:30 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  SEATON  reiterated  his  understanding  that  the                                                               
optometrist can  provide the postoperative  care, as long  as the                                                               
optometrist doesn't  have an  agreement to  provide postoperative                                                               
care  as  part  of  the fee  distribution  under  a  comanagement                                                               
DR.  COULTER said  that as  long as  the [postoperative  care] is                                                               
outlined, [the bill] doesn't outlaw  comanagement.  He reiterated                                                               
that  the  legislation won't  limit  access  to  care or  to  the                                                               
surgeon who performed the surgery.                                                                                              
3:58:29 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  MCGUIRE  pointed  out that  ophthalmologists,  as                                                               
medical  doctors, have  higher costs  than optometrists  and it's                                                               
less costly for  them to enter into a  comanagement agreement for                                                               
postoperative   care  with   an   optometrist.     Therefore,   a                                                               
comanagement  agreement  [for   postoperative  care]  allows  the                                                               
ophthalmologist to  build-in lower costs.   However, the consumer                                                               
is often  unaware of the  circumstances of the agreement  and the                                                               
details of  the postoperative  treatment, she said.   Due  to the                                                               
aforementioned  cost  shifting  mechanism,  the  patient  "loses"                                                               
because the  surgeon [isn't  required] to  be available  48 hours                                                               
postoperative if  a complication  arises.  This  legislation, she                                                               
opined,  specifies   that  a  surgeon,  through   a  comanagement                                                               
agreement, can't  shift the responsibility of  postoperative care                                                               
to  someone who  doesn't have  the same  training.   However, the                                                               
patient's  choices are  "preserved"  in this  legislation and  it                                                               
doesn't  prohibit  a  medical doctor  from  contracting  with  an                                                               
optometrist  to provide  care  at some  other  point besides  the                                                               
immediate postoperative time.                                                                                                   
4:00:52 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE SEATON  highlighted the language on  page 2, lines                                                               
12-15,  which  restricts  the   comanagement  agreement  to  only                                                               
situations  when  the  distance   to  the  ophthalmologist  is  a                                                               
hardship for the  patient and when the  surgeon's personal travel                                                               
or illness is  a factor.  He surmised then  that the comanagement                                                               
agreements  are not  fully available  to the  ophthalmologist and                                                               
optometrist,   and  can   only  be   entered  into   under  those                                                               
circumstances specified in the bill.                                                                                            
DR.  COULTER replied,  "For example,  if a  patient feels  it's a                                                               
hardship to  return and would  prefer to see the  optometrist ...                                                               
that would be fine, by my understanding."                                                                                       
CHAIR  WILSON  added  her   understanding  that  the  legislation                                                               
doesn't prevent  a surgeon from  releasing the patient,  48 hours                                                               
after postoperative care, to follow-up care with an optometrist.                                                                
DR. COULTER  relayed that the  goal of HB  151 is to  provide the                                                               
best  quality patient  care.   If  there weren't  abuses of  this                                                               
process,  this wouldn't  be an  issue, he  opined.   He clarified                                                               
that  the intent  is to  ensure that  those surgeons  who operate                                                               
within the  state feel obligated to  remain for a portion  of the                                                               
postoperative  period  so  that   a  disproportionate  number  of                                                               
postoperative complications  don't fall  in the  laps of  the six                                                               
ophthalmologists   taking  call   for   the   state.     Although                                                               
optometrists are well trained, they  cannot perform surgery for a                                                               
problem that they  identify, he noted.  He  related that surgeons                                                               
have  no problem  with competition.   Furthermore,  surgeons want                                                               
people to have choices, but  patients should understand what they                                                               
are getting into, he opined.                                                                                                    
4:04:51 PM                                                                                                                    
DR. COULTER,  in response  to Chair Wilson,  said that  a surgeon                                                               
can make agreements  with another surgeon to [provide]  care to a                                                               
patient if the  original surgeon is inaccessible.   He reiterated                                                               
that the goal  of the legislation is to provide  the best quality                                                               
of care,  which he opined  is when the surgeon  remains available                                                               
to the patient for a few days postoperatively.                                                                                  
4:07:59 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE SEATON pointed  out that both "120  hours" and "48                                                               
hours"  have  been  mentioned  in   reference  to  the  surgeon's                                                               
postoperative  availability, although  the legislation  specifies                                                               
"120 hours."                                                                                                                    
DR.  COULTER  said that  according  to  the American  Academy  of                                                               
Ophthalmology   and  the   American  Society   of  Cataract   and                                                               
Refractive  Surgeons, 120  hours  postoperative  is the  standard                                                               
period of  time during which the  patient is most likely  to have                                                               
postoperative complications.   If  120 hours seems  excessive, 48                                                               
hours  would  be  the  minimum time  in  which  a  "catastrophic"                                                               
postoperative  complication might  occur.   Therefore, a  surgeon                                                               
should  remain available  for that  time period  or transfer  the                                                               
patient  to   a  peer,  he   added.    In  further   response  to                                                               
Representative  Seaton, Dr.  Coulter related  that he  could make                                                               
the studies relating to the  postoperative timeframe available to                                                               
the committee.                                                                                                                  
4:09:41 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE GARDNER  suggested that if the  current procedures                                                               
are placing patients  at risk, this issue should  be addressed by                                                               
the State Medical Board rather than the legislature.                                                                            
DR.  COULTER said  that he  can't  comment on  the State  Medical                                                               
Association's   ability to regulate  how long a surgeon  stays in                                                               
state after performing an operation.                                                                                            
4:10:19 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  GARDNER asked  if  the  [aforementioned body]  is                                                               
"charged  with sort  of identifying  and clarifying  good medical                                                               
DR. COULTER  replied that,  in part, the  State Medical  Board is                                                               
responsible because  surgeons have to meet  rigorous standards to                                                               
obtain a medical  license for the state.  Certainly,  the body is                                                               
effective  at  removing  "poor surgeons  or  surgeons  of  excess                                                               
complications, or  mass public outcry."   However,  he reiterated                                                               
that the extent  of the body's power to  regulate comanagement is                                                               
another issue.                                                                                                                  
4:11:23 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE ANDERSON said:                                                                                                   
     To  answer Representative  Gardner's question,  I think                                                                    
     that   the   Alaska    Medical   Association   is   the                                                                    
     professional    regulatory    body,   but    ...    the                                                                    
     ophthalmologists  came to  me ...  because they  wanted                                                                    
     the foundation,  the codification by statute.   And, so                                                                    
     often,  we see  associations  and  professions come  to                                                                    
     [the   legislature]   first   ...  and   kind   of   by                                                                    
     extrapolation   their   professional  regulatory   body                                                                    
     handles it on  a second level, but ...  the strategy is                                                                    
     important and  then there would be  no miscommunication                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE   ANDERSON   highlighted  that   the   legislation                                                               
mandates  that doctors  are available  two days  postoperatively,                                                               
and if  not, the doctor must  make arrangements with a  peer.  He                                                               
related  his belief  that the  optometrist's  testimony that  the                                                               
legislation  would  prevent  competition   has  been  refuted  by                                                               
addressing the patient's rights.   In regard to the postoperative                                                               
timeframe,  Representative  Anderson  said  "I plan  to  make  an                                                               
amendment.  I  think five days is unreasonable, and  I know [that                                                               
was taken]  from the federal  language, but  I think two  days is                                                               
fine ...."                                                                                                                      
4:14:05 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE MCGUIRE  said in  Alaska surgeons are  required to                                                               
have a  medical license and  there is  a "board that  tracks that                                                               
and makes  sure that the surgeons  [who] come into our  state are                                                               
competent."   She related her  belief that  licensing encompasses                                                               
not   only   the  surgery   but   also   the  after   care,   the                                                               
troubleshooting,  and  being  there  in critical  moments.    She                                                               
alluded  to the  idea [that  comanagement] transfers  the medical                                                               
licensee's   credentials   and   the   patient's   fees   to   an                                                               
[optometrist]  who  doesn't  have the  residency,  experience  in                                                               
troubleshooting,  and  the  additional  higher  sciences  degree.                                                               
Furthermore, in  some instances,  it's for  monetary value.   She                                                               
said that regulating this through  the State Medical Board is not                                                               
enough when  it effects consumers  so broadly, and  therefore the                                                               
legislature  needs  to "spell  it  out  in  the statutes."    She                                                               
relayed that  many patients go into  the [comanagement agreement]                                                               
because of  the cost,  although they are  often [unaware]  of the                                                               
consequences, which can be severe,  if something goes wrong.  She                                                               
noted  that doctors  ought to  share the  responsibility of  call                                                               
duty,  which  is  a  service   to  the  community,  although  she                                                               
acknowledged  that  doctors  aren't  profiting from  it  and  are                                                               
putting themselves on the line from a liability standpoint.                                                                     
4:17:24 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR WILSON  added that the  House Health, Education  and Social                                                               
Services Standing Committee  must keep in mind  the best interest                                                               
of  the  residents of  the  state.    She  noted that  the  first                                                               
responders,  people  who  attend   to  emergency  situations  and                                                               
transfer  patients to  hospitals,  abide by  the  rule that  they                                                               
never transfer a patient to a  "lower level of care."  She opined                                                               
that the  aforementioned example  is similar to  this legislation                                                               
before the committee  today because it assures the  patient is in                                                               
[competent] hands.                                                                                                              
4:19:15 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  SEATON   expressed  concern   with  legislatively                                                               
saying  "48 hours  is right"  when  the committee  does not  have                                                               
enough data to make that  determination.  Furthermore, under this                                                               
legislation there is  no distinction between very  acute and very                                                               
difficult  eye surgeries  versus  the normal  eye surgeries,  but                                                               
rather [HB  151] assumes that every  eye surgery is the  same and                                                               
48 hours is an appropriate time for all those surgeries.                                                                        
REPRESENTATIVE MCGUIRE inquired  as to an eye  surgery that isn't                                                               
REPRESENTATIVE  SEATON  reiterated  that he  didn't  believe  the                                                               
committee has the data to  specify the timeframe, especially when                                                               
much of  the testimony has  related numerous situations  in which                                                               
patients have went to Seattle [for  surgery] and are sent back to                                                               
Juneau after  24 hours.   Again, Representative  Seaton expressed                                                               
discomfort with "pulling that number  out of the hat" without any                                                               
[supporting] data.                                                                                                              
DR. COULTER  replied that if a  patient opts to have  surgery out                                                               
of state that's  his/her choice, however, the  bill addresses in-                                                               
state procedures.  He related that  a patient who leaves 24 hours                                                               
postoperative   is   not   necessarily    "a   bad   thing"   for                                                               
himself/herself or the  surgeon.  He opined  that the legislation                                                               
is not  suggesting that the  "surgeon and patient  be handcuffed"                                                               
but rather that the surgeon is  available to treat the patient or                                                               
reassign that  responsibility to  a peer.   Dr.  Coulter reminded                                                               
the committee  that the norm  for a postoperative  period [during                                                               
which  the  surgeon  should  be  available]  recommended  by  the                                                               
largest national  bodies of ophthalmologists  is 120  hours while                                                               
the 48-hour requirement is the  suggested minimum.  Moreover, the                                                               
paid  postoperative  period  can  extend for  three  months,  and                                                               
nothing in  HB 151  would stop optometry  from being  included in                                                               
4:23:51 PM                                                                                                                    
DR.  COULTER, in  response to  Chair Wilson,  specified that  Dr.                                                               
Garret Sitenga is the ophthalmologist in Homer.                                                                                 
4:24:44 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR  WILSON  opined  that [comanagement  situations]  are  more                                                               
specific to the Anchorage area,  but asked if it happens anywhere                                                               
else in the state.                                                                                                              
4:25:07 PM                                                                                                                    
DR. WALKER related  his understanding that Dr.  Coulter is asking                                                               
the committee  to support  HB 151 in  order to  control surgeon's                                                               
actions,  however, he  questioned  how the  terms "optometry  and                                                               
comanagement"  facilitate that  goal.   Dr. Walker  said that  he                                                               
didn't support  limiting a  requirement for  a patient  to remain                                                               
under  a  surgeon's  control  for a  specified  amount  of  time.                                                               
However,  this  legislation  does  impact the  access  to  [after                                                               
surgery] follow-up care  by an optometric physician.   Dr. Walker                                                               
acknowledged the  issues related  to call,  but pointed  out that                                                               
it's  not  an  issue  that involves  optometry  or  comanagement.                                                               
Therefore,  he  inquired  as  to   why  HB  151  would  encompass                                                               
comanagement and  optometric care when  [the intent] seems  to be                                                               
to limit surgeons.                                                                                                              
4:26:51 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  ANDERSON, in  response to  Representative Seaton,                                                               
said the medical doctors testified  that most complications arise                                                               
two to  five days postoperative,  and the five days  is reflected                                                               
in the  federal recommendations.   Since the five  days suggested                                                               
at the  federal level may  be difficult for the  surgeon's coming                                                               
into state, two days has been suggested as the minimum.                                                                         
4:28:13 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR  WILSON  announced  HB  151   would  be  held  for  further                                                               

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